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BNC Gooseneck Antenna

BNC Gooseneck Antenna

Regular price $14.99 USD
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One of the frequent questions I get is how to upgrade the stock antenna on a handheld radio. Whether that's for a higher standard of performance (most often) or in terms of durability when interfacing in a tactical loadout, the stock antenna often leaves much to be desired.

There's many options for upgrades out there and I've seen and used nearly all of them, ranging from expensive Ham-oriented options (that often come up short in terms of durability) or tape-whip tactical antennas that mimic what we used on our Harris Falcon IIIs and MBITRs. We used to break those a lot too...and they wouldn't be my first choice.

The best option that I've found is the Gooseneck antenna - an BNC connector base, a flexible mid section and a rigid antenna section on the top third. It flexes with you when weaved in and out of webbing straps on a chest rig or plate carrier and is structurally very strong when paired with an SMA to BNC adapter.

Its a high performance antenna that will upgrade the transmitting range of any dual band VHF/UHF handheld radio regardless of brand and the one I personally use.


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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 48 reviews
    Great performance and durability

    Antenna has good performance and durability. The upper portion is rigid, tough, and will easily stand away from vest or gear using the hand flex bendable middle section. Can be laced thru gear or bent away as needed. Well worth it for radio or observation gear.

    Great antenna

    Worth the money. I was surprised at the weight and heavy duty feel of the antenna. Definitely a more robust option than any whip style antennas.

    julia flannery

    BNC Gooseneck Antenna

    Bert Rogers
    Gooseneck Antenna

    Much much better than the stock antenna. The way its made helps keep it away for your head.

    Russ Gray
    No Issues

    Arrived on time and attached with zero issues. Thank you.